More than a pitch deck - what you'll need to raise equity investment

More than a pitch deck - what you'll need to raise equity investment

Start Date:
January 19, 2024 12:00 PM
End Date:
January 19, 2024 1:00 PM

It takes more than a pitch deck to attract investors

● Explore the 7 Essentials which investor use as a checklist when assessing your startup

● As founders, we can become obsessed with our pitch deck but it is only one of five funding assets investors will expect you to share with them

● Discover the “Big 5” funding assets and how you use them to attract investors

● Dig into the detail of what to include in your financial forecast so your numbers are as strong as your pitch

● Learn how to use a Term Sheet to get investors over the line

● Receive practical tools for finding and attracting investors

We meet via Zoom - with cameras and microphones on - to share as a community. This is about you getting the answers you need - and supporting each other as a community of founders. Bring your questions, be generous in sharing your experience.

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