Investment Overview

1. Submit your deck to The BAE Network

Due to overwhelming demand and our resource constraints, right now we are not accepting new pitch decks so we can best serve those who we are already in contact with.

Summer is a notoriously quiet time in getting deals done so please check back in Q3 2024 when we relaunch our process here.

Alternatively, join our community and you'll find out when we reopen.

Submit here

2. Join our angel network

Many of you may now be in a place where you've made some money and want to invest it in the hottest British Asian founded startups.

We see many potential deals and after our rigorous process can share these opportunities to you where they may be a fit if you are looking to make angel investments.

We plan to launch our network soon and the greater interest we see, the sooner we will launch!

Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.

Become a BAE Angel

3. Hire us to build your pitch deck with you

Some of you may be in a rush or need dedicated time from us to work in depth on your deck.

If this is the case, we offer paid services to increase your chances of getting the funding you need.

This can include:

  • Comprehensive review of your pitch deck
  • Detailed feedback on areas to improve
  • Full editing and updates made to the deck and testing of the process within our community
Send us your requirements