The BAE HQ Launches New Organisation For British Asian Entrepreneurs

You caught us!
This is a test post before we get interns to cover the news for us.
Are you interested or know someone who would be?
Get in touch with us.
Though if you want to know more about our launch, it happened on October 16th 2022 after month of planning and market research.
The idea came when Amardeep Parmar and Gurvir Riyat were complaining to each other about how rarely we meet people from the startup world from an Asian background.
After venting over several coffees, we realised we could do something about it.
To take it from concept to reality, we had to be sure it was something other people felt too.
Every time we mentioned it to someone, you could feel the passion inside of them.
This is something we need - please do it!
We would tell you more about what we're doing but you're already on our site.
Go and explore yourself and let us know what you think :).