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From Rejected Idea To Saving Lives Through MedTech w/ Anya Roy | Syrona Health
Anya Roy
Syrona Health

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The BAE HQ welcomes Anya Roy, Co-Founder and CEO Of Syrona Health
Syrona Health is a digital health platform that focuses on taboo topics.
We're going to look at her journey from being an astronaut as a child to going to university studying economics, going into banking even after being told that she's going to be a failure, and then pivoting into the bioscience world.
Then creating Syrona Health and from Syrona Health, going into YC and helping so many patients across the world.
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From the first time founders to the funds that back them, innovation needs different. HSBC Innovation Banking is proud to accelerate growth for tech and life science businesses, creating meaningful connections and opening up a world of opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors alike. Discover more at https://www.hsbcinnovationbanking.com/
Anya Roy: [00:00:00] You know, we actually shifted the dial between someone living versus like someone dying. We always said it was all about creating legacy and creating patient impact. And if we didn't have patient impact, it didn't matter how much money we made. We're really all about like serving these underserved conditions that
Anya Roy: affect people at different life stages. Um, and we think healthcare should change depend on the life stage that you're at.
Amardeep Parmar: Today on the podcast, Anya Roy, who's a co founder and CEO of Syrona Health. They're a digital health platform that focuses on taboo topics. We're going to look at her journey from wanting to be an astronaut as a child, to going to university, studying economics, going into banking, even after being told that she's going to be a failure, and then pivoting into the bioscience world first of all, and then creating Syrona Health, and from Syrona Health going into YC [00:01:00] and helping so many patients across the world.
Amardeep Parmar: Hope you enjoy the show. So Anya, it's been incredible to see where you got to today and so much more to come. But we'll see when you're younger. Did you ever think one day I'd be a startup founder doing everything you're doing today? What were your ambitions?
Anya Roy: Not really. I think a lot of people have these traditional stories that they were selling lemonade at stands and selling a lot of things whilst they were in secondary school.
Anya Roy: I didn't really do that, to be honest. And I think I, you know, when I was growing up, I either wanted to be a doctor, tick. Or an astronaut, which is quite interesting. So I used to go to these Olympiads for astronomy and, uh, and things like that. I was a real nerd.
Amardeep Parmar: That's pretty cool though.
Anya Roy: Yeah. And they used to go to these international competitions about it.
Anya Roy: That's what I wanted to do, like growing up. No, I just really enjoyed maths and science and biology. And so I didn't really [00:02:00] ever think I was going to be an entrepreneur. And frankly, like, you know, my parents aren't entrepreneurs themselves. So I don't really have someone in the family to look to as a role model when it came to entrepreneurship necessarily.
Anya Roy: Um, my dad's a civil servant, my mom was a teacher, so very traditional careers. And I grew up in a very traditional kind of household in that sense. So. No, don't answer that question.
Amardeep Parmar: What made you give up on the astronaut dream?
Anya Roy: I don't know. It just felt quite impossible, I think. I, and I think it wasn't a very sort of well understood path as to how you get there.
Anya Roy: I think, um, I held onto the doctor dream far longer. So, um, you know, when I was 18, it was between sort of like choosing to be a doctor or to go down a different route, which was a little bit faster. And so I chose the one that was effectively like, you know, quicker. And so I, I did. economics [00:03:00] and maths.
Anya Roy: Again, fairly traditional, um, degree, uh, had, had good careers, sort of like prospects, et cetera. But I really thought 18 was like a very sort of like young age to kind of decide what you want to do with your life. I think I really found myself more in like my mid twenties. Um, so I'm a late bloomer in that sense.
Anya Roy: Like it took me a bit of time to really find my feet and really understand like what I do enjoy and what I'm really good at. But I had so many interests sort of growing up. So, um, I think I really thank my parents for giving me so many opportunities, uh, when I was younger, uh, to be able to explore and really like try and enjoy it.
Anya Roy: But I think the one thing that's really stuck with me is whatever you're doing. Keep learning because if you're, if you stop learning, that's when the enjoyment sort of like finishes, I think it might be. So, so yeah.
Amardeep Parmar: You said you're a late bloomer there, but I think you're being a bit harsh on yourself because I [00:04:00] think many people go decades and decades of the life and don't know what they're
Amardeep Parmar: want what they enjoy. So you find figuring the annual mid twenties is actually probably quite early compared to..
Anya Roy: You know, the Asian dream, right? The Asian, the Asian way of like sort of you know, having this performance related culture that we have embedded so deeply within us. I think a lot of my friends found that career paths a lot earlier than I did, which is kudos to them.
Anya Roy: But I really love that I took the journey that I did because I think it helped me grow, helped me understand at my own pace what I was good at and what I was going to excel at.
Amardeep Parmar: So your early career, right, you were at Goldman Sachs, right?
Anya Roy: Yes.
Amardeep Parmar: And like, what was the decision plan? That was it, just the natural thing of like, okay, I've done economics and maths.
Anya Roy: Yeah.
Amardeep Parmar: That's what I want to go into next. What was it? Or is it you really love the idea of that? What’s the motivation?
Anya Roy: Again, like this is so, um, this is why I call myself a late bloomer in that sense. So, um, you know, I [00:05:00] think as you're looking at career opportunities, I didn't, I kind of had basically applied for a few internships. I was late to the party, basically.
Anya Roy: I think a lot of people had preplanned, you know, got their spring year, um, sort of internship, they'd got their sort of like penultimate year and internship. I was sort of like in my, in my last year thinking, Oh damn, I really do need to work and I do need to find a career for myself, which is not what I told my interviews, but, um, but,
Anya Roy: I kind of, I applied for an internship, believe it or not, at Lloyds Banking Group and, and that was my first kind of foray into banking. I think they were the, they were the, uh, scheme that had the sort of later closing date and me being that person who clearly hadn't been organized enough. Um, I was like, that scheme looks open, so I'm going to apply.
Anya Roy: And I applied and I worked on a [00:06:00] team, you know, um, Lloyd's TSB used to be a bank together and I worked on the project that split it up. So, so that's pretty cool, right? Like now that Lloyd's and TSB are like two separate banks and I worked on that project, which is cool. But, you know, as, um, I'll be very honest, I kind of was met with failure for like pretty
Anya Roy: early on, um, I, I had a manager that I was quite nervous and shy at the time because it was my first kind of real job. And I always thought that if the more I ask questions, the more he's going to realize that I don't fully understand it or get it. And I was just so nervous all the time, but really like a people pleaser at the same time as well, just wanting to, like, get it right.
Anya Roy: And I wish, sort of like looking back at that, I wish I'd had more of a voice and really sort of like ask those hard questions, made people accountable because, you know, one of my managers then, [00:07:00] um, decided, you know, there's this, there's a, um, you basically are graded and he gave me something just below
Anya Roy: the cusp to get onto the grad scheme. Um, so, and he told me, you're not going to get anywhere in life.
Amardeep Parmar: And proved them wrong.
Anya Roy: And, and I, and I think I was like, what, 20, 21 at the time. Um, I think that was really hard to hear, but, you know, great motivation, great motivation, because at the end of the day, I think. And that really gave me a kick up the ass and it made me so much more, sort of confident and being able to advocate for myself, being able to tell the difference between right and wrong, being able to call out things in the workplace, being able to ask the hard questions and challenge status quo.
Anya Roy: And so I landed at Goldman Sachs. And so, you know, I think it was my way of saying, you know what? You may think [00:08:00] that I'm not going to end up anywhere, like, good in life. I will. And I will just do it out of sheer tenacity and, like, resilience. Because that's the only thing I've, like, really known growing up, that you just don't give up.
Anya Roy: So, so yeah, that's kind of how I ended up at Goldman Sachs.
Amardeep Parmar: So Goldman Sachs is obviously very different to what you do today.
Anya Roy: Yes.
Amardeep Parmar: What were the next steps in that path from going from that finance banking background.
Anya Roy: Yeah.
Amardeep Parmar: Into what you're doing today?
Anya Roy: Is interesting because you know, when I went into kind of finance, I felt like that made sense because of the degree that I'd done.
Anya Roy: A lot of other people around me were applying for jobs like that. They were either doing their PhDs or they were going into banking. And so I just decided to kind of follow the crowd in that sense. But you know, one of the key things that I learned at Goldman was like really about work ethic, building consensus and working as a [00:09:00] team.
Anya Roy: And I learned so much about like finance at that point in time and I got promoted and I did really well actually at Goldman, um, believe it or not, after my little blip at Lloyd's. But, but yeah, I think what I kind of took away from that job is the lots of fundamentals about like businesses and like understanding commercials, but I just didn't want to continue doing that for that rest of my life.
Anya Roy: And so I kind of really had a choice of like I had a few health issues during my during that time as well and I thought to myself what are the things that truly matter to me and so I Left Goldman to basically go to Cambridge and and retrain in Bioscience because that's where my passion was
Amardeep Parmar: So making that decision, obviously, you said it very casually there, but [00:10:00] it's quite a huge identity shift.
Amardeep Parmar: And if we think about from the traditional way that perception is maybe in our community, people are like, you're leaving. I guess it helps that you're going to Cambridge. We're going from being promoted at Goldman Sachs, but like, I'm going to go and study again. How did you feel supported in that journey?
Amardeep Parmar: Were people like backing you? Or did you feel like you had to convince those around you that? You're making the right choice.
Anya Roy:. It's so interesting, right? I think the first question was, but why? Um, and I think that's a fair question to ask because I had, in that sense, got that financial stability. I had the, the, the tag off like a good sort of like tier one bank behind me, and it would open up a lot of opportunities.
Anya Roy: And also there were internally like lots of opportunities as well. So so there were lots of opportunities for me to try out potentially like a different role at Goldman, etc. So I think, you know, from that environment [00:11:00] perspective, like I had a really like good time at um, Goldman and I, and I learned a lot, but at the same time, I think fundamentally, I was going back to like, but what do I do daily?
Anya Roy: Like, what I was helping was like, really large institutions become filthy rich effectively. And I think that's okay. And that is potentially fulfilling for a lot of people, but yeah, I just couldn't see myself like, you know, doing it for a long period of time. But, you know, I think my mom is a massive dreamer like me and she's been so supportive in that journey for me to bring up like, you know, this is what I'm going to go back to university.
Anya Roy: I'm going to retrain, um, and, and I think my dad is, is, is a bit more like, um, conservative from that perspective, because he said, this seems like a good gig, you know, like, and [00:12:00] I think a part of his generation was all about having that stability and like, you know, I think he really wanted for myself, he's always wanted me to be fiercely independent and that's all he's wanted.
Anya Roy: And, and that's what I was. So in his perspective like, I'd reached that goal and so he didn't know why I was changing that and going back to university. It felt like a step backwards and not forwards. But I think in life, sometimes you actually have to take a step back to move like a few paces forward.
Anya Roy: Um, so I took the leap of faith. It wasn't easy, but I think it's fundamentally one of the best decisions I ever made.
Amardeep Parmar: We hope you're enjoying this episode so far. Quick note from our sponsors who make this all possible. From first time founders to the funds that back them, innovation needs different. HSBC Innovation Banking is proud to accelerate [00:13:00] growth for tech and life science businesses.
Amardeep Parmar: Creating meaningful connections and opening up a world of opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors alike. Discover more at HSBCinnovationbanking.com. Back to the show.
Amardeep Parmar: And at university now you're studying again. Yeah. And I guess, I don't know if you have to do exams at Goldman when you're there, but you're like, you must have had to do exams or had to do coursework.
Amardeep Parmar: Like, did I make the right choice? But I know that one of your projects is actually quite significant to what you're doing today, right? So. Tell us a bit about that. You already told me so for the audience. I knew I was saying that, but tell us that story.
Anya Roy: Yeah, it's so funny. Um, so I actually met my co founder Chantelle, um, during Cambridge.
Anya Roy: We were classmates and we basically had to do this business plan and project. And the course that I did was, uh, bioscience enterprise, which is exactly what it says on the tin. So helping you study [00:14:00] to build effectively life science businesses and, um, and very sort of like early inkling of like
Anya Roy: Women's health and, and the lack of sort of services and products in the space was something that we focused on in our business plan. And it's so funny, right? I think we look back and I still have that, um, you know, assignment. Uh, and and it's an assignment that like students continue to do even today, many years on, and I think it's a good way to reflect and at least like get you in the process of like, you know, how do you set up a business?
Anya Roy: What are the aspects of it commercially, but also like from a compassionate landscape, et cetera. So, so whilst the business today, Syrona Health is quite different from what we effectively, um, pitched in our business plan. It has some of the [00:15:00] fundamentals, you know, it was about demo, democratizing access to women's health in underserved conditions like endometriosis, sort of like some of the women's cancers, like ovarian cancer and cervical cancer and, and
Anya Roy: menopause. So I think it's one of those, like, penny drop moments, right? Like, again, like, one of those life moments where we actually didn't get a good grade. Like, we got a 70, by the way, which is potentially, like, good for other universities. But at Cambridge, you got a distinction when it was 75, so 70 was like, really like, not.
Amardeep Parmar: That's quite an Asian fail there. Oh, we were five marks off getting a distinction. Oh, we failed. It's such a terrible grade.
Anya Roy: I know, but you should have seen the kinds of classmates I had, like all alpha, classmates, all getting distinctions, like left, right, rhubarb.
Amardeep Parmar: You missed by five marks.
Anya Roy: Exactly. So, um, so I think it's quite [00:16:00] funny though, that, you know, I think, the beginnings of the entrepreneurship bug was actually like in Cambridge for me.
Anya Roy: And, um, I'll give a shout out to Dr. Darren Disley, who actually came to our course and he'd actually given me a scholarship as well so that I could go to Cambridge. So I'm super grateful for it. Um, but he said Cambridge is a low risk place to do high risk things, and I think that really resonated with me.
Anya Roy: Um, I think that's such a beautiful way of, like, putting something simplistic when it comes to entrepreneurship, and I think Cambridge, I got involved in the Entrepreneurship Society. That was my first kind of foray into entrepreneurship. Before that, you know, I didn't really, I hadn't really thought about it.
Anya Roy: And, and so, um, so Cambridge was a great place for me to do that. Um, and we'd seen the grade and we thought nothing of it. We [00:17:00] were like, ha ha, okay, fine. Like, you know, we've done one more assignment, so let's park this. Uh, let's try and survive the rest of the year and just get on with it. And, um, and we had someone from GSK come in, um, to lecture.
Anya Roy: I think I just randomly pitch, you know, I said, you know, here's. This business plan that my, uh, classmate Chantal and I wrote, what do you think? Like, do you want to give me some feedback? And he said to me, girls, that's a really good idea. And I was like, oh, a professor doesn't think so. He was like, yeah, but I work in the real world.
Anya Roy: So it doesn't matter. I think you should pursue it. And I think that's like, so important because, you know, if I didn't have that push and I didn't have that person just encouraging me, I don't think I would have taken it seriously. And by the way, like, you know, I didn't just run out of the room and [00:18:00] become an entrepreneur the next day.
Anya Roy: It just gave me the confidence that maybe this is something that I want to try later, later on. Um, and it gave me the confidence that perhaps I could come up with good ideas, et cetera. So, so yeah, that's kind of the Cambridge story.
Amardeep Parmar: So you mentioned as well that the idea has changed quite a lot since what it was originally.
Anya Roy: Yeah.
Amardeep Parmar: What is Syrona Health today? Like, can you tell us about where you are, what the business is?
Anya Roy: Yeah, sure. So Syrona Health is a tech enabled platform that basically looks at supporting like taboo, stigmatized, underserved health conditions that occur across different life stages. We initially started in women's health, but like with a focus on menstrual health disorders like endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, we then expanded into fertility and menopause, and then our customers started demanding like more of a men's health version of it.
Anya Roy: And so we kind [00:19:00] of focused on, in similar kind of, um, um, vein around like sort of sexual health disorders, male fertility, the angiopause, which is declining testosterone, et cetera. So we're really all about like serving these underserved conditions that affect people at different life stages. Um, and we think healthcare should change, depend on the life stage that you're at.
Amardeep Parmar: How do you do that? So for the tech enabled platform.
Anya Roy: So yes, we..
Amardeep Parmar: Let's say somebody who's listening right now is thinking, Oh, that sounds like some guy should try. How would it work for them? Is it, do they download it?
Anya Roy: Yeah. So, um, so we have an app called Sora and Sora actually is a Japanese word for blue skies. So we all wanted to like provide something that, you know, was positive and, and created change basically.
Anya Roy: And Sora effectively is an app that you can download on, um, you know, Apple store, Google play, uh, it's available [00:20:00] through your employers or insurance plans effectively. So you can't just go in as a consumer. Um, so it's, it's distributed through employee benefits or through health plans, et cetera, currently.
Anya Roy: Um, and if you really want to try it out, ask your HR to get in contact with me.
Amardeep Parmar: So my next question, that's going to be the obvious one, is that why has it shifted? What was the logic behind the pivots you made and transforming it from the original idea was what it is today? Like, what did you learn along that journey?
Anya Roy: Yeah, you know, like, initially we wanted to create more of a medical device, an actual device for early detection. And frankly, like, you know, that takes a huge amount of financing, and you just have to have a lot of, like, not just funding, but also resources to be able to do that. And we just didn't have that.
Anya Roy: Um, I think, when we were just talking about it, the general market [00:21:00] wasn't even interested in, in women's health. I think strangely, people started talking about women's health after the Me Too movement, which actually makes me really like, um, but, but there you go. Like, I think it's, it's changed during that time, mainly because of those reasons, but fundamentally, like the time to market as well was very sort of eye opening, right?
Anya Roy: You try and build a medical device, and that's going to take you like 5 to 7 years to get to market. You know, through a digital health app, you can still effectively still have an impact and create like a positive patient impact. But your go to market route is much much quicker. So, so that those are kind of some of the reason we changed.
Anya Roy: But, um, at the end of the day, like, you know, our, even our software is classed as a medical device. And we're one of the only people to do it in this space. And that's with good [00:22:00] reason, because that's the history of the company. And that's what we wanted it to be.
Amardeep Parmar: What's some of the lessons you've learned on that journey?
Amardeep Parmar: Right. So you said beforehand, before you did your degree, your master's, you didn't really have too much of an inkling about entrepreneurship.
Anya Roy: Yeah.
Amardeep Parmar: And then you had this failure, which was 70 marks, which isn't a failure to me, but when you actually then started the company, what were some of the lessons you had to learn where you didn't know beforehand or you didn't learn in the textbooks?
Amardeep Parmar: And then when you hit reality, you had to learn on the job and then that's made you stronger in the company, stronger.
Anya Roy: You know, I will caveat that after Cambridge, I actually went, went into venture capital. So I got a first hand experience about like investing due diligence saying like scouting for startups, writing memos.
Anya Roy: All of that. So I felt like I saw the full deal life cycle, which I thought was quite exciting. So whilst it wasn't ready to throw my hat in from an entrepreneurship perspective, I still got to like, you know, I got [00:23:00] front row seats to effectively seeing how startups were built, um, what they needed, some of the red flags, et cetera.
Anya Roy: And I think that was quite useful, frankly. The terminology, the jargon that's used, the process, I think those kind of things helped and certainly gave me a leg up in that perspective. I then went into sort of like a seed investment role, basically investing in genomic startups like globally. And that was again, super exciting because I had more of a leadership role in that perspective and I was making the call and I was seeing
Anya Roy: everything from like, you know, term sheets right to the basics of like people coming to me with ideas about how they were going to start the business. So it did give me a bit of a stepping stone. So having said that there's nothing like being on the front line doing the job, like nothing prepares you for it.
Anya Roy: I would have [00:24:00] liked to say, like, venture capital background helps and it does, but nothing teaches you entrepreneurship until you actually do it yourself. And you'll probably know this yourself, right? From your own experience, um, the, the failures, the highs, the, the kind of in betweens and I think it's a, it's an emotional roller coaster to put it lightly, but certainly like, I think that VC background helped me a little bit, but it also made me a bit of a pessimist sometimes because, you know, you could tell
Anya Roy: from like the way the questions were being phrased, you knew the direction that conversation was going, which may be naively sometimes like a first time entrepreneur wouldn't wouldn't necessarily know. So I think, you know, when I look back in terms of like career, like commercially, like, I [00:25:00] think banking and help me just be very astute with
Anya Roy: the numbers side of thing, venture was really good at like the intuition and sort of like the steps, I suppose. Um, but nothing teaches you like, you know, what happens in the job. You constantly have to have a pulse on your customer. And I think one of the key things, um, perhaps, you know, early in the journey that we were doing is
Anya Roy: you're trying, you're getting conflicting advice all the time, and frankly, like, opinions are like assholes, like, everyone's got one. So, like, it's, it's literally, like, everyone has something to say about it, and I think the key learning, and it's, it's a shame that it takes you a bit longer to get that, but that comes with confidence as well, is that you have to trust your instinct, and you have to trust that you know what you're doing based on the fact that you're living it
Anya Roy: day to day, which, [00:26:00] you know, no VC is doing that and, and no one else is doing that apart from like the entrepreneurs who are like in the trenches, like building. So, so I think, yeah, I definitely like being able to trust your gut, I think is important.
Amardeep Parmar: One of the things you mentioned there about the questions.
Amardeep Parmar: And it's one of the things that's quite well known too, is that female founders often get asked questions to defend themselves about like, why have you done this? Why have you done that? Whereas male founders often get the questions about what were your wins? What's a dream, right? So one of the things I consciously do now, which is what I was going to ask anyway, is What have been the biggest wins for you for Syrona so far?
Amardeep Parmar: And then what is the grand vision? What is the dream that you have?
Anya Roy: Yeah, you know, it's so funny. Like, I think there, there are two things, I think one from a patient perspective and one from more of a funding journey, I suppose. Maybe I'll start with like the patient perspective. So basically from a, we always said it was all about creating legacy and creating patient impact.
Anya Roy: [00:27:00] And if we didn't have patient impact, it didn't matter how much money we made, none of it would add up or make sense or be sustainable long term. And so we actually detected early, like early signs of prostate cancer for a patient, like one week into launching a service, right. For, for, for a company. And that to me was very pivotal because it was a very sort of like tangible impact that we made whilst it was sad news.
Anya Roy: We'd caught it at a time where it was treatable, it was something that, you know, we actually shifted the dial between someone living versus, like, someone dying. And I think that was really, really important to me, and I think that'll always stay with me as something that, this is why I wake up in the morning and I do what I do, despite all the setbacks and things like that, because we, you know, like we create patient impact. From [00:28:00] a funding perspective for me, like the highlight has been,
Anya Roy: so we got into Y Combinator, um, in, in 2022. And that for me was genuinely a dream come true. I don't care like what the haters say, you know, about YC, et cetera. I'm a believer. And I think it gave us an incredible network. It's not just about the funding or the name. It gave us like these incredible founders who are, you know, Siddhi, who, who you've had on this podcast as well was, was in the same kind of like cohort as us.
Anya Roy: But it's, it's, it's not just the Rolodex, it's actually like from a network perspective, there's a huge mentality of like pay it forward, which I've never seen on that scale. When a YC founder like calls another, another YC founder. You show up and I think that's the really kind of like nice thing about, about getting into YC, but [00:29:00] there's a backstory to YC, right?
Anya Roy: So we'd applied previously to YC and we got to the interview and you know, like it's a 10 minute interview. It's literally rapid fire. And, uh, you know, when you finish the interview, you know, it's gone badly, like that, that kind of like sense of like, absolute, I think devastation. And I knew it, that it hadn't gone well.
Anya Roy: And, you know, we shortly, uh, received our rejection and I was. You know, we were in pieces, like we were so sad about it, really, really kind of, you know, like part of this, I suppose. And, and my co founder Chantelle was like, we're not going to put ourselves through this emotionally again, like it's, it's a lot and it felt very heavy at the time and so we're not going to do that.
Anya Roy: I need a breather. We're not doing a YC application. Anyway, [00:30:00] one day, I don't know why, I knew there was a YC deadline, and I'd gone on a night out, and somewhere along the way, I decided that, after a few drinks, that doing a YC application would be the right thing. And so at 3am, I wrote my YC application and I was, I've never been so sort of fluid in terms of like, you know, it was very short sentences.
Anya Roy: There was no fluff, I guess, like, you know, when you're at, when you're writing an application at 3AM, you just don't have the capacity to like, you know, have the fluff. It was just very short, very articulate kind of application. And I sent it. And then I, uh, I asked for forgiveness later around like 9 a. m. to my co founder, I fessed up and I said, okay, really sorry, [00:31:00] but I've done this.
Anya Roy: So, so, um, but yeah, we got in. So it's kind of one of those happenstances, right? I think you take, you take a risk, you take a chance. Sometimes it works out, but like failing has been a part of the process too. So I'm not going to sit here and tell you just about the highlights and all the good stuff.
Anya Roy: I'm happy to talk about the, the lows, the vicious.
Amardeep Parmar: It's been a pleasure to have you on today, and I'm sure there's going to be many more highs in the future as well. We're going to go to quick fire questions now. First one, who are three British Asians that you'd love to spotlight that you think are doing incredible work and the audience should be paying attention to?
Anya Roy: So the first person is someone called Surabhi Sarna. Um, she is the founder of Envision. She's a partner, Y Combinator, and an investor in our company. She actually sold her company for 275 million. Hugely impressive. Check her out. Um, and then Priya Oberoi, who's a partner at Goddess Gaia Ventures. She’s been [00:32:00] again, an investor in Syrona Health, but also the person that I call, she's on speed dial and someone I rely on heavily as I, as I build the company.
Anya Roy: And of course, Siddhi, Siddhi is also part of our, uh, YC cohort. She's, she's got tremendous energy. She's building something amazing.
Amardeep Parmar: Awesome. So. Next one is if people want to find out more about you and your company, where should they go to?
Anya Roy: So head to www.syronahealth.com. Uh, you can also email me at anya@syronahealth.com.
Amardeep Parmar: And is there anything that you need help with right now? Maybe the audience could help you with.
Anya Roy: I would, if you're in HR. Uh, or in insurance, I would love to speak to you, um, because those are key customers. I would love to really understand some of the problems that you have faced with diversity, equity and inclusion and whether Syrona Health can help.
Amardeep Parmar: Perfect. So thanks so much for coming on today. Have you got any final words for the audience?
Anya Roy: You know, I think [00:33:00] my final words really are that if you know, failure is definitely a part and parcel of the entrepreneurship journey if you're not failing, then you're not, you're punching below your weight. So like dream big and continue.
Anya Roy: And I think be kind whilst you do that.
Amardeep Parmar: Hello, hello, everyone. Thank you so much for listening. It means a huge amount to us. And we don't think you realize how important you are. Because if you subscribe to our YouTube channel, if you leave us a five star review, it makes the world of difference. And if you believe in what we're trying to do here,
Amardeep Parmar: to inspire, connect and guide the next generation British Asians. If you do those things, you can help us achieve that mission and you can help us make a bigger impact. And by doing that, it means we can get bigger guests. We can host more events. We can do more for the community. So you can play a huge part.
Amardeep Parmar: So thank you so much for supporting us.