Alpesh Patel OBE

His current role is as a Dealmaker at the UK Government Department for International Trade (Asia-Pac, Mid-East). He is also an Asset Management CEO, and the founder of Campaign For a Million.
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His current role is as a Dealmaker at the UK Government Department for International Trade (Asia-Pac, Mid-East). In this capacity, he is responsible for developing a vision, implementing strategies, and facilitating investments for tech-savvy start-ups, aiming to support their growth and global exports.

He is also an  Asset Management CEO, and  the founder of Campaign For a Million.

Alpesh Patel OBE's professional journey started in 1994 as an Intern for Hon Eliot Engel in the US Congress, a role he held for a year.

In September 1995, he became a Pupil Barrister at 7 Stone Buildings, Barristers Chambers of Charles Aldous QC in London. This engagement lasted for seven months, concluding in March 1996.

From July 1999 to September 2002, Alpesh Patel served as an in-house internet and investment specialist presenter at Bloomberg LP, accumulating three years and three months in this role.

Concurrently, he took on a position as a Columnist at the Financial Times (Pearson) from July 1999 to October 2004, contributing for five years and four months.

In January 2005, Alpesh Patel became the Founding Director of the UK India Business Council, a role he maintained until August 2016. This period amounted to eleven years and eight months.

He also played a role in the establishment of TiETiE, starting as a Co-Founder Director in 2000, and continuing as part of the Advisory Board until January 2018, totaling 18 years and one month.

From January 2007 to December 2011, he acted as a Guest Host at CNBC International for a period of five years.

In the year 2000, he also joined Merrill Lynch, where he was involved in providing global market intelligence for two years, concluding in 2002.

In 2005, he became a dealmaker  at the UK Government Department for International Trade.

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